the most fun

Just a short one tonight, but I am truly having the best dance week ever (until that one day when, at long last, I get to go to Herrang or the ULHC).

I had some pretty cool dances at Swing Pit tonight, including having a light bulb moment about connection and counterbalance in bal!  And I danced with a guy that I’d never danced with before and we played with pulse and musicality and we just had the most fun dances!  And there were some familiar songs and I danced to the lyrics!  And I had a very nice dress on, and, and, and…  Yeah, it was good.  =)

I’d also set myself the goal of dancing all the dances except for air/water breaks, and I think I only missed one song because I needed to step outside for air!  It started with, ‘let’s see how my fitness is going… I wonder how many dances I can do in a row…’ which quickly became, ‘I wonder if I can do all the dances…’.  …turns out I can.


all the dances

I remember about two days after coming back from Canada, I went to a Swing Pit and after about two or three dances, was entirely shot to bits.  It might be because my technique has improved and if it has, that must have helped some, but much as I hate to admit it, I think doing fitness has been the bigger player here.  Averse as I am to fitness, even with the weeks and weeks I had to take off recently because of my bad ankle, I think I’m in better shape today than I was about a year ago, so credit where credit is due.


Oh, and I wasn’t wrecked at the end of the night.

win baby

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